Caroline Casey from Mythological News Service


Caroline, in the Bay Area, whose fire-ravaged land is covered by a ghostly shroud, does a brief live intro and outro to a re-play of our 8.24 show,

“Listening to Ayahuasca,” with Dr. Rachel Harris, because, like Caroline, she will be presenting at the Bioneers Conference this weekend.

And it’s a great show.

8.24 Show Description: Hosting one of Grandmother Ayahuasca’s voices, Dr. Rachel Harris, author of “Listening to Ayahuasca – new hope for depression, addiction, ptsd, anxiety;” that our rogue species may be guided to return to conscious kinship.


May 12th, 2017 Future Primitive with Joanna Harcourt-Smith

This Enchanted World: an interview with Rachel Harris

In this week’s episode Rachel Harris speaks with Joanna about:  listening to the voice of the rainforest; divination and cleansing; a plant teacher of heartfelt embodiment; communicating with the spirit of Grandmother Ayahuasca; ceremony and song are part of the healing intervention; varieties of the journey of psychospiritual integration; ecstatic revelations and downloads through the plant ally; the shadow side of the ayahuasca culture; the importance of relationship with the natural world; the shift in values after ayahuasca; beyond spiritual experience and psychological healing.

Rachel Harris, PhD is a psychologist with both a research and a clinical background. After thirty-five years in private practice, she embarked on a research study exploring how ayahuasca is being used in North America, focusing on the process of psychospiritual integration. She has received a National Institutes of Health New Investigator’s Award, and published more than forty scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals. She is the author of “Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Adicction, PTSD, and Anxiety”.

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Podcast: Pathways Radio

Rachel Harris: Listening to Ayahuasca

Dr. Rachel Harris is the author of the new book, Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Addiction, PTSD, and Anxiety. She received a National Institutes of Health New Investigator’s Award, has published more than forty scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals, and has worked as a psychological consultant to Fortune 500 companies and the United Nations. Her background includes careers as a research psychologist as well as a psychotherapist.

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